Tuesday, June 1, 2010

High CBD Marijuana Makes Great Medicine

One thing that is starting a buzz is high CBD marijuana, which are low in THC, Medical Marijuana that does not give the intense high of THC. Now what good is pot without the THC you ask, good question, it allows patients to take large doses of MMJ and not get to high, which could be very helpful to cancer patients. In his Phoenix Tears video Rick Simpson says to use Cannabis Indica as it is more of a calming high than Cannabis Sativa, but a hybrid CBD rich plant could be even more benifical to cancer patients.
So anyone suffering from a disease is quite likely to benefit from a High CBD strain, while those with mental health problems might find a high THC MMJ to be more helpful. So now we see different strains of MMJ are vital to properly caring for patients.

Today I came across this story over at the Washington Post, and thought that this is something that anyone using MMJ should really take a look at, it tells a very important message raw MMJ is healthier than cooked.

The singular peculiarity of Courtney's "pot doc" practice here in Northern California is what he recommends: Don't smoke the stuff, he tells patients. Eat it.

Marijuana, he avers to every person who appears before him, turns out to be brimming with healing compounds. It won't get you high eaten raw, but juiced with a handful of carrots to cut the bitter taste, its leaves and buds may well have restored the health of his girlfriend, who had been given a diagnosis of lupus and a butcher's bill of other disorders that lab tests show have subsided. A local sufferer of Crohn's disease credits the plant with helping reverse the debilitating intestinal disorder. And published research from accredited laboratories suggests promise in preventing diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancers and assorted maladies arising from chronic inflammation.

Yet almost no one knows any of this beyond a handful of scientists, including two at the National Institutes of Health who were sufficiently impressed that they joined a Nobel laureate in patenting a cannabis molecule. Courtney hands a copy of their U.S. Patent 6630507 to occupants of the chair, typically midway through a jargon-rich spiel that sometimes hits the patient right in the wheelhouse and sometimes goes whizzing overhead.


One of the many Medical conditions that MMJ has been sucessfully treating is Epilepsy, I came across this article recently that describes one Epileptics experiences with modern medicine and that of treatment with the ancient herbal remedy MMJ.

I was only ten when it began. I had been healthy until that beautiful spring morning. Outside on the playground, beneath the wearing heat of the sun, I collapsed onto the ground and began violently seizing.

The incident was diagnosed as simply being a one-time event; it is common for individuals to experience a seizure at some point in their life, I was told. But then things changed two weeks later, as I fell onto my middle school cafeteria’s worn, blue, linoleum floor and again, began seizing.

It would be the beginning of a journey through thousands of convulsions, 13 anti epileptic drugs, multiple alternative treatments, and five brain surgeries. For eight years I would endure the often devastating side effects of Western medicine, until finally, when hope had begun wearing thin, I discovered the answers to my prayers and my first effective treatment: cannabis.


I will end today's article with a link to a brief history of MMJ.

The therapeutic potential of marijuana has apparently been known since the beginning of recorded history. In fact, marijuana was likely used for medicinal purposes even before its psychoactive properties were tapped.

The medical history of marijuana is closely related to its analgesic properties, as noted by Ethan Russo:

Cannabis has a history as an analgesic agent that spans at least 4000 years, including a century in mainstream Western medicine. The reasons lie in the remarkable pharmacological properties of the herb and new scientific research reveals the inextricable link that cannabinoids possess with our own internal biochemistry.

In Assyria, Babylonia and Arcadia, marijuana was apparently used as an analgesic to treat migraines and menstrual pain and for its psychoactive properties. Evidence of marijuana use to control labour pain has also been found in Palestine and Israel. The Greeks and Romans used marijuana for general pain control and specifically for gout and rheumatism. In the Muslim world, there are references to therapeutic use dating back to the ninth century.

On reading about my Gout* I discovered that the Romans ate the seeded flowers of cannabis at night to relieve the pain and swelling associated with Gout*, and that it installed them with a sense of well being after consuming it.
Big Pharmaceutical companies fear the healing power of this medicinal herb as it could literally rob them of billions of dollars in profits!

* I did a ph balance to my self, works great!

1 comment:

  1. Dow Chem. was part of the Marijuana Tax Act. Tincs, and cigarettes were Doctor of Medicine prescribed prior to the Marijuana Tax Act.


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