Thursday, June 24, 2010

Police Chief Wants MMJ Patient to Stand Trial

Law enforcement and the King County Prosecuting Attorney want to press charges against a medical marijuana patient caught with ten ounces. Now this is where things get strange, two Superior Court Judge's have ruled on the case and ordered the police dept. to return the mans marijuana. Now the police have resubmitted the case for a third time to the Prosecuting Attorney, WTF?

Prosecutors had initially declined to press charges in the case, and a King County Superior Court judge ordered the Snoqualmie Police Department to give the man the marijuana seized when he was arrested in 2009.

Police contested the order, which the judge, Sharon Armstrong, upheld at a June 16 hearing.

“Our knowledge of the investigation is that the medical marijuana process really doesn’t apply,” Snoqualmie Police Chief Jim Schaffer said before the hearing.

Schaffer said he did not know of any police department that has returned marijuana in similar circumstances.

Snoqualmie police resubmitted the charges to the prosecutor’s office again after the June 16 hearing, according to Becky Munson, the department’s spokeswoman.

Another kink arose in the case June 19 when the prosecution’s primary witness died of natural causes.


There is really something seriously wrong when police will not follow a Judges order. This gets even more incredible as a second judge upheld the decision and yet
Snoqualmie Police Chief Jim Schaffer is fighting to sentence the MMJ patient!

Now we see a Police Chief who thinks he knows law better than two judges. This should not surprise me as I am constantly reading of law enforcement officers who diagnose patients and know what drugs Dr's should or should not prescribe them. Now we have law enforcement that defies the Superior Court.

Time to put our public servants on notice and reaffirm their role as servants not rulers in our society!

Taxation not Prohibition

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Intelligent opinions and structured debate are always welcomed, but name calling and personal attacks do not belong here, have fun!